

Hello guys...
O my God... I never thought I would be here writting this post. It feels amazing! Knowing that you accomplished one goal in your life... I can't describe this feeling! And this wouldn't be possible without you guys, you are my little hearts and I love you so much! I want to thank you for always being there for me, reading my posts even when they were actually not even close to good... Through my posts you can always conclude am I feeling good or am I so sad. That's why I love writting. Even when I'm writting about Stalia I can write fanfictions depending on my feelings. I can create stories that will never actually happen. I can imagine that I'm werewolf too, I can put myself into Malia's character. I can, basically, live thousands of lives just by writting. But you know what's better?
Knowing that someone out there is actually reading your posts, that someone out there likes them, finds me talented or just a good amateur writer. You may think that when I write to you that you mean so much to me, I'm doing it to keep you as my reader, but no, I'm not! I mean it!
Just try to do something and if someone tells you that you're so good, try to describe me that feeling! You'd feel the same! I, actually, feel proud of myself now. I've never been proud of myself in my entire life... But hey, that's another story! And I don't want to write sad stories now. This should be happy moment! And it clearly is! I'm so happy to have you in my life! 
Thank you so much again! 
I hope you like my blog and you'll continue reading it because it means so much to me!
Only thing I miss in this moment are they... I want to meet my heroes so badly. I want them to read this and all my other posts intended and inspired by them. 
I love you Stiles and Malia! You will be always taking a part of my heart, Stalia. 
I love you! 
Thank you guys for reading this and thank you for amazing 10,000 views, almost 70 subscribers on GFC and 40 of them on Google+ . It sounds insane! Thank you to the (full) Moon and back haha! For 3 days it's going to be 5 months since I made this blog. I feel so proud and it's because of you!

I'm working on amazing plans for this blog, I want to success with this blog and I hope you'll continue following me and reading my posts! I love you! 

Stay alive,xx


  1. Congrats on the 10,000!!! Here's to many more to come. Happy weekend.

  2. Predivan tekst :)
    Od sata pratim tvoj blog ako zeliz poseti i ti moj <3

  3. Thank you so much! I'd love to! :) x

  4. Congratulations sweetie♥


  5. čestitam! pisanje je nešto posebno i što se više njime bavimo, bolje se u tome svemu snalazimo...zna biti jako zahtjevno, ali kao što si i rekla, pisanje nam pruža mogućnost da proživimo puno toga.

  6. Congratulations dear <3 <3 I know you'll have much more views, because you are amazing blogger :) Just keep going <3


  7. Hey, lovely blog!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leave a comment. I already followed yours, would you mind to follow mine?
    xoxo, Sylvi Gautama
    Sylvi Says Hello & sylviaodilia IG

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great post,Congrats on 10 000 wiews :D
    new post :* -->

  10. Ako zelis follow-follow javi se u komentaru mog poslednjeg posta.


  11. Congrats dear! Thanks for your message on my blog AND i´M FOLLOWING you on G+. Now it´s your turn :D

  12. Draga, stestitke na postignutom uspjehu! :) Zasluzila si to :-)

    Posjeti moj blog i uclani se na njega http://alwaysbepositiveee.blogspot.com/ , ja na tvoj vec jesam! :-)

  13. Bravo, samo tako naprijed! Cestitam na postignutom :-)
    Pusa iz Italije,
    Sonia Verardo

    1. Mnogo ti hvala,jako si me razveselila ovim lijepim riječima! Btw.blog ti je predivan, otkad te pratim uvijek me pozitivno iznenadiš novim postovima i zbog toga mi i jesi jedna od najdražih blogerica :-) ♥

  14. sve cestitke! :)

