
The Sparkles In Your Eyes

 It's so strange
Seeing you watching someone else
With the sparkles in your eyes
The way you used to look at me
And make me feel special
Because I thought I was the only one
Who could make you feel like that
But every single second 
You show me how wrong I was 
Thinking I could be the only one
To anyone
To you

So hello my lovely wolfiers after a really long time!
It's been almost a month since I posted on this blog and I'm sorry about that...
I just hadn't time or inspiration to post anything. 
Teen Wolf hasn't started yet and I am pretty confused about these trailers and sneak peeks about Stydia I see all over the social medias.
Is Stydia the endgame?
I guess we'll have to wait till the 15th November to find out but I am just so excited and so sad at the same time because it's the last season of Teen Wolf and it sucks knowing everything, even Teen Wolf has it's end but a really fast coming one!
Since I didn't post for a while , I thought the statics about the past months pageviews are going to be really bad but YOU surprised me with a very big number of pageviews and I couldn't be more happier seeing you've missed me and that you appreciate my effort in this blog!
Thank you!

Well, I hope I'll post more frequently now and that's it for now!
Love you all!

Stay alive,xx


  1. Super cool my dear
    Kisses for you
    New post

  2. Nice https://bysinkj.blogspot.com/2016/10/blog-post_17.html

  3. Awe it always feels so good to have great readers when you're away! Glad you got back. Thanks for following me and I just followed both blogs. :))


  4. Superb post. Loved reading it.
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  5. Hello dear, I have subscribed to your blog)

  6. Nice post! :)

    i'm following you with GFC :)

    my blog

  7. Cool! :)

    Following you (#240) :)


    Lina Soares

  8. Am also ahuge lover of movies like these.. Lovely post.. Am following you dear #241.. Hope you follow back

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC?
    Please let me know on my blog and I will follow back as soon as possible!

    Glowyshoes's blog

    My Facebook


  9. http://siaana.blogspot.com/ Coucou.. Viens voir mon blog, tu peut y trouver des petites chose sur Teen Wolf <3 MErci
